Do you sell your products directly in the factory?
We do not sell in the factory. You can get in touch with one of our salesmen who will gladly help you, or purchase our products in the nearest store.
How can I know the price of a product?
We do not work with an specific price list. Each store applies their own prices. We do recommend to make a research in the nearby stores in order to compare price and quality. contact
How do I find more information about the products?
Click the button below and download or catalog.
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We currently produce and sell to distinguished distributors and supermarket chains, either our own brand or private brands in Costa Rica, United States, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, U-S. Virgin Islands, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and South Korea.
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We do offer options of working private and/or controlled brands
Our minimus depend on the product category
We work with Exworks. We provide support on logistics and freight agencies
To know about all the brands we offer please click the button below and download or catalog: Download Catalog
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No. Unfortunately, for safety reasons we do not provide such tours
We offer excellent quality products and assure the highest standards in our production process based on the SQF certification. Also, we ensure that our products comply with different sustainability guidelines.
Our product Chocofrutas was created exclusively to donate part of its profits to the conversation of wildlife and rainforest. Hand in hand with volunteers, recycling and sustainability education.
With our brand Super Perro, we donate a very significant percentage of monthly dog food to animal shelters and to animal welfare projects. Also, with Chocofrutas we donate part of our profit to the wildlife and rainforest conservation.
I can see you use chicken and meat flour. Is that good?
Both chicken and meat flour are a good concentrated protein source. Meat flour is the protein of the meat with water but without the fat, therefore it is an excellent source of nutrition for your pet.
Can I feed my dog with different formulas or proteins?
Yes. The protein rotation diets can be very good for your dog. And it is a great way to give them more nutrients. Not all dogs are the same, but if you give them a proper rotation diet, you should have little to no problems.
Do you carry food for small dogs? What is the difference?
Yes! We have formulas that have small croquettes specially made for these small dog breeds. We offer two brands, Super Perro and Propet, both in the “Small bites” presentation for our little furry friends, with the same nutrients and flavor.
Yes! We have several brands of cat food, such as Super Gato, Maxi Cat, Pro Pet Cat. All of them with recipes thought and designed ideally to meet the needs of cats and kittens. They have a high protein level and an ideal pH level to avoid urinary system diseases.
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This is super important to avoid digestives issues in your pet. You know your pet better than anyone, but we recommend doing the change gradually. First, use 20% of our brand. Then keep doing the transition slowly and gradually. Your pet should be able to eat 100% of our food within one week. All of our packaging indicate this recommendation for a right transition.
We offer a great variety of dog food types. It all depends on the preference of ingredients, activity level of your pet, stage of life and any nutritional concerns your veterinarian might choose for your pet. Regardless of the recipe of the food you choose for your dog, you can be 100% sure that it is complete and balanced for either your puppy or dog. These are made with real and healthy ingredients, as well as high quality ingredients and a great flavor your dog will sure love.
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We want your dog to enjoy a healthy meal with a fun of experience. Dogs live the variety of textures, specially between soft and crunchy. To ensure our soft and chewy croquettes, we use natural glycerin of vegetable origin. This is the same ingredient used in several human foods such as dry fruits and energy bars.
Moré Informatión
The feeding recommendations for adult dogs may vary, depending on the breed, physical activity and metabolism. Each pack of dog food of many of our brands will offer feeding guidelines for adult dogs and puppies. Nevertheless, we know that water is the major importance; your dog must have a clean container with fresh and potable water at all times. For your convenience, place it next to the food plate.
We invest in the quality and safety of our products. We select high quality raw materials for production and manufacturing plant. We carefully control everything that is included in all our products and processes.
Quality control and safety is essential in the process of pet food production. this is a major Keystone in our company. We conform to very strict standards established by SENASA in Costa Rica, as well as to similar entities in countries where we export. Additional to this, our plant, processes and products are certified by SQF (Safety Quality Food) norms. We comply with the standards of The Association of American Feed Control Officials ( AAFCO) for pet food. During the production process, we carry out quality controls in the in ingredients, reception, process and packaging. We carry out these quality controls to guarantee that our consumers and their pets get high quality and safe products.
Are the Zero cereals suitable for diabetics?
All Inklusive brand cereals are suitable for diabetics because they have no sugar added, however, we do not recommend the ones with raisins and blueberries/cranberries since the fruit undergoes a dehydration process where sugar is used.
Do you have gluten-free cereals?
We currently do not have gluten-free certified products, however, some of our cereals do not contain gluten. Read the ingredient list carefully every time you purchase any product to ensure about ingredients and processes to make sure no alterations might have occured.
Why do the products claim to be sugar free/ zero sugar, and still taste sweet?
These products are sweetened with sucralose, which gives just the perfect taste without adding any sugar, as well as keeping them low in calories.
We do not add glyphosate in any stage of our production process. However, glyphosate is commonly used by farmers in the whole agricultural industry and applied to several grains such as wheat and oats prior to harvest. Once the grains reach our facilities, we subject them to rigorous quality processes, safety and production in order to elaborate our breakfast cereals; however, traces of glyphosate may remain. we are proud defenders of the safety and quality of all our products, but we provide this information as an effort to inform our consumers interested in this subject.
We understand and share our concerns along with the consumers affected by food allergies. These consumers can feel free to trust the labels placed in our products, and obtain precise information in the ingredients listed. If a product contains any of the main eight allergens established in FDA and Codex Alimentarius ( egg, milk, peanuts, nuts, fish, seafood, soy or wheat), this will clearly appear in bold in the ingredient label.
Our corn flakes are made with whole corn, that previously undergoes a germ removal process. Then it is cooked and smashed to obtain the flakes. This way we ensure a premium flake quality, which holds perfectly in the bowl. We do not make any flakes with ground corn.
All of our cereals have an expiration date in the packaging (“expires”/ “best if used by”). For example, if it reads 03-10-19, it means that the product should not be used after November 3rd, 2019. The first digits refer to the day, second digits refer to the month, and third digits refer to the year.